How to
Local Jobseekers
- Must be citizens or permanent resident of Brunei Darussalam
- Applicants must be within the range of 16 – 55 years old
- Must be registered to JobCentre Brunei (JCB)
- Applicants must upload proof of registration to JCB
Learn more about SkillsPlus
Local employees in the private sector
- Must be citizens or permanent resident of Brunei Darussalam
- Applicants must be within the range of 16 – 55 years old
- The local employees must be under the direct employment if the nominating company and a contributing to the Employees Trust Fund (Tabung Amanah Pekerja) and the Supplementary Contributory Pension Scheme
- The local employee must obtain endorsement from their employers to enrol for training and apply for funding
- The nominating / endorsing companies must be registered to ROCBN and JCB
- The Business Reporting (BR) of the nominating / endorsing companies are updated upon their submission of application
Learn more about SkillsPlus
- Company in Brunei Darussalam can apply for sponsorship to train their local employees. You can click applying for sponsorship (company) application form button
- Please download and submit the spreadsheet “Borang B” which will contain the list of the employees that will be sent for training
- Please make sure that you compile all the supporting document into PDF format under 5MB
- Submit your completed application form before the closing date of the upskilling and reskilling programme as stated in the advertisement
Individuals (Self-funded)
- You can apply the upskilling and reskilling programmes via the online form
- Depending on the eligibility criteria of funding, you can either apply as self-funded individuals, jobseekers or local employees in the private sector
- If you are self-funded individuals, you can click self-funding application form button
- If you are jobseekers, you may want to apply for sponsorship. You can click the applying for sponsorship (local jobseekers) application form button
- For local employee who is working in the private sector, you can apply for the sponsorship. You can click the applying for sponsorship (local employees in private sector) application form button
- Please make sure that you compile all the supporting document into PDF format under 5MB
- Submit your completed application form before the closing date of the upskilling and reskilling programme in the advertisement and website